Wednesday, May 28, 2008


During my pregnancy Jesse and I had a hard time with a name for the baby. When we finally named him Kingston in the hospital, Nana and everybody else for that matter wanted to know what his nickname would be. If you know our family at all we are famous for nicknaming members of our family. Papa seems to have a knack for putting those nicknames into songs about his grandkids. I thought we lucked out when nobody could think of a nickname for Kingston. Then one day when mom and I were in the car and Kingston was no longer enjoying the ride and began crying, Nana proceeded to try to calm Kingston by saying, "There, there Kinkle", which was followed by Nana laughing hysterically at herself. So needless to say, ever since then Kingston has become known as "Kinkle". Thanks Nana...I think!


Adri said...

I love that little Kinkle. What a sweet little baby.

Lulu said...

That is pretty funny. Love you Kinkle!

Nana Sharples News said...

Everytime I say Kinkle...I have to laugh. We have had some great laughs together, haven't we. I am so proud of our little Kinkle. He is the caboose for you. Enjoy him ..being a baby...they grow up all to fast.