Friday, May 7, 2010

My Mommy!

This Sunday is Mother's Day! My mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me. When I was young, she cared for me. Changing diapers, feeding me, teaching me and loving me. My mom has been there for me through the good, the bad and the down right ugly! She never judges me, although she might not agree with the decisions I make or the way I do things. Mom always offers up the best advice and the best meals!

I have so many memories growing up, too many to put down. So to sum it up in general, the best memories I have are with my family. My mom was always the center of those memories, be it a vacation, wiping away tears the first time my heart was broken by a boy, or being to EVERY single performance or game or school function. Basically my mom is the most wonderful woman in the world. She is my friend, my confidant, my support system, my teacher, my everything!

I love her with all my heart and every ounce of my being. I will never be able to repay her for all the things she has done and continues to do for me and my children.

Mom, I love you! Please know that I could never articulate how I feel about you and all the wonderful things you do. I know I am not always the easiest child to deal with even at age 32, but know that I never meant to hurt you or cause you stress or worry. You are an incredible Mom and Nana and person! I hope we are able to celebrate many more Mother's Day's together!


Nana Sharples News said...

Thank you so much Heather Jane for those wonderful words. I love you so much. I miss you when you are gone for the week. My children are my life. As I get older; and believe me when I say that time has gone by so very fast, I see our time together here on this earth getting shorter and shorter and I can't hardly stand to think about it. I love you and your children so much. Thank you again, and a very happy mother's day to you too. Love mom

Clint and Shari said...

What a sweet post! Your mom is the best we all think so! I hope you and your mom have a great Mother's Day!

Adri said...

What a great post Heater!

Mom- stop talking your crazy non-sense talk. You will live forever and that's all there is to it.

Linda said...

Nice post Heather. It's nice to know that you appreciate all your Mom does for all of you, You are surely blessed to have her as a Mom..... Happy Mother's Day