Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Aprons By Nana!

Take a look at these wonderful creations my mom has been making. She has been like a sewing maniac. She is making these aprons for sale in a cupcake store on the east side. They are for little girls, double-sided with contrast patterns, three pockets with cooking utensils included and fun buttons and embellishments. I myself could not sew anything like this nor would I want too. (I.Don't.Sew.)

She has done such a great job on them and really puts alot of time, creativity and love into these. You can also check more of them out on her blog www.nanasbloggingtoo.blogspot.com. They are $25, hurry and get one for your little baker before they are all gone for Christmas!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

On November 15th my parents celebrated their 39th Anniversary! I can't even imagine 39 years. I've been married for 5 years and it seems like damn near eternity.
Anyhow, Happy Anniversary to the best parents a girl could ask for. Your marriage and the love you have for each other awes me.
Dad, you have always shown nothing but love and respect for my mom. Even when I know you are really mad or upset with Mom, you never yell. I have never heard you call her a name or say something that would make mom ever doubt your love for her. You have always been a go getter and wanted to provide for your wife no matter what that meant you had to do. You would never dream of doing anything to jeopardize your marriage and you would stick with mom through anything. I am proud to call you my Dad and Happy Anniversary!
Mom, what can I say. You are the greatest. You love dad so much. Even when times are hard, (and I know you have had a few), you guys stick together and work as a team. You always show dad respect and love. I love how even after 39 years of marriage you still "want to look nice" when dad comes home from business trips. I admire you and Dad for the dedication and love you put into your marriage every day. I know the two of you are still so in love after 39 years. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

CrAzY 8's!

8 TV Shows I Love To Watch:
Nancy Grace
American Idol
8 Favorite Restaurants:
Sapporro (Las Vegas)
Outback Steakhouse
The Dodo
Cheesecake Factory (Las Vegas, not Fashionplace)
Serranos (Phoenix)
8 Things That Happened Yesterday:
Took Ayana to dance
My whole toenail came off for no reason
Had several Peppermint Mochas from Starbucks
Figured out my favorite Scentsy smell (Cozy Fireside)
Played with my babies
Fixed a burnt out fuse in my car
Realized my Antifreeze in my car was really low
Delivered a Scentsy order
8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:
Lulu coming home for the holidays
New Years Eve with my family
Twilight with the girls
Being with family for the Holidays
Adri's Baby
December 4th!
8 Things On My Wish List:
Jesse getting a better paying job
Staying in my house
Continued Health for my family
My daughter becoming a successful doctor
My sons playing in the league
To be sealed to my kids
My kids to stay little and not deal with adult crap
Health and Prosperity for my entire family and their kids
8 People I Tag (but you don't have to do this if you don't want to)