Saturday, June 28, 2008

Car Show...

Uncle Zach's and Nana's Mustangs were in a car show today in Heber City. The show was to support Breast Cancer Awareness and Aaron's company sponsored my mom's Mustang. My mom wanted us to go and show support so I loaded all the kids in the car and filled the car with expensive gas and headed off to Heber. Ayana entered a Hula-Hoop contest but sadly lost. Zeke just hung around Zach's Shelby Mustang and Nana's mustang which he thinks is his! As for Kinkle...well he slept!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Beautiful Princess...

Ayana is turning into such a pretty "very" young lady! I had Ayana when I was 21 and it was just she and I until she turned four. We are very close and she can be such a sweet soul! I have to admit that I find myself picking colors that I would not dare wear, simply because it looks great on her skin color. I know, I know that sounds silly, but it's true. Her birthday is coming up and I am so sad to see her turning 9. It feels like only yesterday that she was turning 5. One of her favorite things to do is hang out with family and she would follow me to the ends of the earth! I love her so much! This is us at the pool. You can also read about it on Adri's blog. What a great time!

My Custom Puzzle & Coffee Mug...

Look what I made from! I made a 250 piece puzzle and coffee mug. My puzzle came in a cool little box and my mug is made really well. What a cool way to enjoy the people you love. I have put together my puzzle three times in one week. The software was easy to use and I had a hard time deciding on only two things to buy!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Bird Bath!

The other night while down at Nana's...Mr. Man and Zeke took turns drinking and playing in the Bird Bath in the flowerbeds. And yes, even Zeke took a sip from the bird bath after he saw Mr. Man take a sip. It was cute one time but I told Zeke he could only play in it and only the kitty was allowed to drink from it.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sprinkler Park...

Today I made my way out to Herriman to Adri's house. We met at Chick-Fil-A for lunch and then decided to venture over to the park where there are a bunch of different sprinklers that will spray the kids. It was really crowded, I guess I am not used to that many kids in a neighborhood. Anyway, Ayana was all for getting in the water. Evelyn and Mikayla wanted to play on the non water playground. Lydia and Zeke only wanted to sit on the towels. After the water park Adri and her family and Audrey and Mikayla and me and my kids ate dinner at my house. With Brett being the only male with three women and lots of kids, it reminded me of polygamy. I love my sister wives...HeHe!

I Love You...

Mom, you are the best mother and nana anyone could ask for. You are always there for your kids and grandkids. Your needs and own personal issues always come last and your compassion and love for your family amazes me. I am so blessed to have you in my life! My kids adore you and look forward to seeing you each and every day! I love you with all me heart, forever, Heather Jane!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ayana is Blogging!

Tonight after I had done what little updates to my blog I had, Ayana got on the computer and wanted to read my blog. I ventured into my room to read The Host and shortly after she came in and asked me how to spell something. I asked why she wanted to know and she said she was writing on Lulu's blog. She had found her way to Lulu's blog from my Family and Friends list. Then I asked her if she wanted to start her own blog and she about jumped out of her PJ's. So needless to say, I helped her, but she picked the design and does all the wording on her own. She also designed her own IPOD and playlist. You can link from my list or here is her address: Check it out!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day Jesse!

Jesse is out of town on business today:( We missed him so much. When we called him this morning he was eating at the hotel Denny's! Gross! Jesse is such a great dad. Our kids just adore him and are always eager to capture his attention. We love you and can't wait for you to come home!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire...

I am sure Nana is blogging about this right now, so if you view her blog, just expect the same post. That's what happens when we are always together! Anyway, Nana & Papa have an awesome backyard with a fire pit that we have used many times. Aaron gets the fire going and then we chat and laugh and chat and laugh a lot more! Once the fire calms down, we break out the smores! YUMMY! What a great way to create family memories! At tonight's fire pit, we even had the Soffes stop by and we got to enjoy their company!


Lately Zeke has taken such a liking to his Uncle Aaron. Zeke follows Uncle Aaron around and copies whatever Aaron does. Zeke loves cars so a couple days ago Uncle Zach gave Zeke a diecast Shelby Mustang that looks exactly like Zachs. Zeke loved it! It is more of a model car and is proudly displayed on the boys dresser in their room. Then a couple nights after that, Uncle Aaron gave Zeke a custom suburban RC Car. The RC car was a little advanced for Zeke but with a little driving lessons from Aaron, Zeke had the car rolling in no time.

Then tonight during our fire pit, Zeke had to sit on Aaron's lap and drive his hot wheels on his Uncle. I just love to sit back and watch the two of them when they don't think I am watching. You can see the love and interest they have for each other. How great is it that my sons have such incredible Uncles to be there for them!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Zeke's Surgery!

UPDATE...I was scared half to death today when changing Zeke's diaper. His poor privates were so swollen they were barely recognizable. Not to mention his diaper had some blood. I called his doctor immediately and she told me to watch it. 30 minutes later, another diaper change due to Zeke complaining of pain, and to my utter disgust, Zeke's diaper was full of blood. I rushed right up to the Dr. I was told that Zeke had developed a blood clot and they needed to squeeze his privates to fix it. After much agony and screaming by Zeke, they wrapped it up really tightly and sent us to roam PCMC for 30 minutes to see how it did. After another review the Dr. sent us home and told me to take the bandage off in two days. If the blood clot came back after that they would need to go back in for surgery, undue the stitches, fix the bleeding, then restitch. The Dr. stated that he thought we wouldn't have to do that and it is rare to have the clot come back again, however, a clot in the first place only happens to less than 1% of boys. So keep Zeke in your prayers.

Zeke had surgery on Monday at Primary Children's. The official term was "repair of incomplete circumcision and excision of lesions". Jesse and I chose to have our boys circumcised right after they are born. Zeke's never really looked right. His pediatrician at the time of the first circumcision was Dr. Mark Templeman. To make a really long and graphic story short, it never looked like it was even done in the first place and he had some painful things that had to be done a couple times. Six months after that I changed pediatricians to the wonderful Dr. Paul Ferreira, (thanks Adri). He explained to me that he thought Zeke had a fat pad above his privates and that is why he didn't looked circumcised. Everything will look better when he slims out. Well that is what we were going with until May of this year. Dr. Ferreira looked at it again and changed his mind stating that the first circumcision was not performed correctly and Zeke needed to see a Urologist now because of his age.

So after taking Zeke to see Dr. Chad Wallis, Zeke was scheduled for surgery. At this stage Zeke had to be put to sleep and needed stitches. We were at the hospital from 10:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. for the surgery. He wasn't allowed to eat anything all morning so he was very cranky. I tried to keep him entertained as long as possible. The nurses finally decided to give him Valium to calm him down. I know it is not supposed to be funny, but is was so funny to see him react. He started saying Hi to everybody and smiling really big! The pictures of him with the "drunk" look on his face are after the Valium kicked in. He is recovering very well at home and I am glad it is all over! He was a very brave boy!

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

I volunteered to take Evie and Lydie while Adri worked a wake for Starks Funeral Parlor. Unfortunately if I agree to baby sit, Audrey ends up babysitting too. Because we live in the same house, it is virtually impossible to keep the kids separated. Audrey was a good sport about the whole thing. So last night we had Ayana, Mikayla, Evie, Lydie and our neighbors Sydnie and Bella over. As hectic as 6 girls can be, it is great to see them all bonding and I know the time Ayana spends with her cousins is so important to her development as a person.
All we were missing was Emmy! We love you Emmy Rose!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Friends Past & Present!

In school I had this friend, Natalie Webb. Her sense of humor was awesome and she was always so down to earth. Unlike a lot of my other friends. She excelled at basketball and she could be counted on whenever you needed her. Although our friendship became a little more distant in our High School years, and became non-existent after high school, memories of a friend were kept in my mind.

After my mom and other family members started blogging, Natalie wandered upon their blogs and shortly after I started blogging, she contacted me. I was thrilled! It was so nice to hear from her and read her blog to get caught up on the families we have created for ourselves. We still have so much in common in weird and "twilight zone like" ways. I look forward to continuing to catch up with her and having our kids meet soon. Natalie is one of those girls I don't mind having a friendship with. For those of you who know me, I don't get along with other females real well. Thank goodness for Natalie, Shari, Kristy & Jesi! Natalie, I hope you don't kill me for this picture!

To my BFF's, and you know who you are, nobody will ever take the place of you guys!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


It is always so nice to have a BBQ at Nana & Grandpa's house! The meat is seasoned and grilled to perfection by the men, and the sides and desserts are made by the women! I love to have these BBQ's at my parent's house. My family is so incredible and I never get tired of being around them.

X, / or Gutter?

Audie, Nana and I took the girls bowling today. We had such a good time. Always up for some friendly competition, we each bet $1.00. I won with a score of 106 and collected my booty of $5.00. Mom won the second game with a score of 110. The girls are actually pretty good little bowlers. Shortly before leaving to Hawaii, Evelyn wanted Nana to wear her Speed Racer bracelet so she wouldn't forget Evie while they were gone. It brought Nana good luck Evie!