Sunday, June 8, 2008

Friends Past & Present!

In school I had this friend, Natalie Webb. Her sense of humor was awesome and she was always so down to earth. Unlike a lot of my other friends. She excelled at basketball and she could be counted on whenever you needed her. Although our friendship became a little more distant in our High School years, and became non-existent after high school, memories of a friend were kept in my mind.

After my mom and other family members started blogging, Natalie wandered upon their blogs and shortly after I started blogging, she contacted me. I was thrilled! It was so nice to hear from her and read her blog to get caught up on the families we have created for ourselves. We still have so much in common in weird and "twilight zone like" ways. I look forward to continuing to catch up with her and having our kids meet soon. Natalie is one of those girls I don't mind having a friendship with. For those of you who know me, I don't get along with other females real well. Thank goodness for Natalie, Shari, Kristy & Jesi! Natalie, I hope you don't kill me for this picture!

To my BFF's, and you know who you are, nobody will ever take the place of you guys!


Kelly said...

I love it when you stumble across old friends through blogging. Unfortunately, when I went private, that stopped pretty abruptly. I'm glad I'm among the elite few females that you get along with :)

Jasmin said...

I love that you have a blog now. YOur pictures are great! Miss ya all. I don't have the internet anymore. So I don't get on very much. Take care

Markalie said...

Okay, I am not going to kill you for the picture but I just about died when I saw it come up. Oh my heck what in the world was I thinking back then. That was such a nice blog. Thanks! I to, had thought about you many times in the last few years. You were always a good friend to me and treated me good. I am glad I found your blog and that I am one of those gals you you can get along with. I think you are a great person and I am looking forward to seeing you again and meeting your beautiful children. Now I am going to have to pull out a Junior High Picture and put it on my blog to try and embarass you. Thanks again for the nice blog. You are awesome!

Nana Sharples News said...

I love your post about finding Natalie. That was pretty great.
I love you

Anonymous said...

We love you so much. I am so honored to be one of your friends and to have you in my life. Thanks for all you do for me, and for making me come out of my shell and see all those scary movies. I can't wait to see the Happening. Just a few more days!