Monday, December 1, 2008


Thanksgiving was super yummy as usual. Mom made yams, bacon wrapped water chestnuts, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls and much more. Zach & Kelly brought a smoked Turkey and Kelly made stuffed mushrooms (Yum). Adri made Frog Eye Salad and Broccoli Cauliflower salad. Zach and Dad woke up early and got the pies from Marie Calendars and the feast began. My parents make every holiday memorable and this one did not let us down. Melissa got a short break from school and work and flew home on Wednesday night. Aaron wasn't there and we missed him so much but look forward to him being home for Christmas and New Years. Dad was also home, much longer than his usual one day!!! I took pictures and this is the result of our day...note that Connor jumped in every picture right before I snapped the shot:) THANKS MOM FOR ALWAYS MAKING THANKSGIVING YUMMY! YOU WORK REALLY HARD TO MAKE IT NICE FOR EVERYBODY. THANKS TO ADRI, AUDREY & KELLY FOR MAKING DISHES FOR US!


Quetou said...

It's like "Where's Waldo" only its "Where's Connor"! We had a good laugh looking at those pictures. Thanks for posting them.

Adri said...

Connor was having a blast being in all the pictures. He's getting so big! It was so nice to have Melissa home but sad that Aaron wasn't there.

Markalie said...

I love the long table so that everyone can sit together. It looks like you and your family enjoyed a great meal and some fun togetherness. It will be nice that Aaron can be home for Christmas. I bet your family is so excited to all be together.

Nana Sharples News said...

Thanks for the great photos...
I love my family