Wednesday, May 28, 2008

And the Award goes to...

Ayana and Mikayla won awards at their Elementary. Ayana won the Personal Achievement Award for meeting and exceeding her personal goals for the school year. Mikayla won the Magnificent Musicianship Award for her dedication the the musical arts. They were both so excited and it was nice to see them receive their awards. Fortunately Jesse was home this week and was able to be there as well.


Adri said...

Way to go girls.... I am so proud of you!

Linda said...

Congratulations to both Ayana and Mikayla----what a great way to finish the school year!

Nana Sharples News said...

I was so glad you were there for the girls...AGAIN..YOU DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT THE AWARDS DAY..
I was glad you were there for Kaykee too. I love this photo of the girls.