Saturday, May 31, 2008

She Loves Me..She Loves Me Not..She Loves Me!

Ayana and Mikayla have always been really close friends. Audrey rents our basement apartment from us so Mikayla and Ayana are together alot! I also have babysat Mikayla since she was in Kindergarten. She is such a sweet girl! We love having her with us everyday. We often joke that the girls have a love/hate relationship where they will be arguing and not wanting to play with each other one minute and the very next second, they are best friends again! They both are very strong willed and stubborn, but they both can be incredibly sweet girls! We love you Kaykie!


Lulu said...

Silly girls. Looks like you are having fun with your blog. Good work. You are doing much better than I am when it comes to posting. Although there is alot more to your life than there is with mine at the time.

Adri said...

Those two are so cute. They have become so close with Audrey living downstairs. You guys are lucky to have each other there all the time.

Anonymous said...

I think it is great that these two have such a great relationship. I had a cousin I was really close to when I was young and we still have a great friendship today. I know what you mean about love and hate, but isn't that with most young girls?

Markalie said...

What cute girls. Do you do Ayana's hair. It't way cute. If you do that you are going to have to do my daughters and teach me. I can do braids and that is it. I was glad to hear from you on my blog. I would love to hear more about what you have been up to the past few or more years. If you want e-mail me so that we have each other's e-mail address. Mine is: I hope to hear from ya again. Take Care!