Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Parade!

Ayana doesn't have school tomorrow so the Halloween Parade was today instead. So we ventured over to the mass chaos and watched the parade. Emmy, Mikayla and Ayana all go to the same school so that makes the parade enjoyable. Evelyn and Lydie didn't have school today so they were able to come to the parade and Evelyn even got to walk around with Mikayla. Jesse had to work and was unable to come to the parade.

After school we went to Nana's and played outside. Zeke had always loved Nana's powerwheels Jeep and had wanted to drive it for awhile but was unable to steer. Today he taught himself to steer and I couldn't get him off the Jeep after that. He literally wore down the newly charged battery! Adri had the cute idea to load the back of the jeep with Nana's pumpkins, so Farmer Zeke loaded his pumpkins and hit the road. He was funny to watch though because he was more worried about his load than steering and ran into trees several times.


smithblog said...

That is so cute! I love seeing little Zeke out riding around - great pictures!!!

Adri said...

The parade was a lot of fun. That was one big reason why I wanted track D so that we could go to the Halloween parade. Zeke was so cute out riding the Jeep.

Markalie said...

Cute pictures. Zeke looks so grown up driving his Jeep around. I love Ayana's costume it is so cute. Happy Halloween!

Julia said...

What a boy! I can just imagine him crashing because he's worried about what's going on behind him! Super cute costumes, too!