Friday, October 31, 2008


Trick-Or-Treat, smell my feet! Today was such a great day. Mom took the day off, Audrey got off early and the kids were out of school! Mom, the kids and I met Adri and her girls for lunch. After lunch Adri took the girls out to her house and I took the boys home for a short nap because I knew we would be up a little later than usual tonight. Mom usually makes homemade chili but she did that on the night of the Treasure Hunt this year. Aaron, Dad and Jesse all were not home tonight so we decided to celebrate Halloween at Adri & Brett's this year. We had pizza and Adri made her famous milk chocolate, white chocolate and caramel rice krispies. Then we got the kids dressed in their costumes and headed out. My neighborhood does not have a lot of young families, so it was different to see how many kids were in Adri's neighborhood. It seriously reminded me of the trick-or-treating scene in E.T. when the streets are crowded with kids in costumes. It was really fun. Thanks Adri and Brett for inviting us over. I was sorry that Aaron, Dad and Jesse couldn't be there and Zach & Kelly's kids trick-or-treated with their friends in Murray. Zeke loved trick-or-treating and Kingston just rode around in the stroller with his blanket on just happy as a clam! Both Ayana and Zeke will have candy for months to come. I probably will end up throwing the majority of it away after several months of it not being eaten!


Adri said...

Thanks for coming out to my house this year. It was a lot of fun to have my mom and sisters there, all though I did miss the men.

smithblog said...

So fun! Your family is really cute to do all of those things together!!!

Jesi said...

I am glad your family had a great Halloween. I heard the weather was perfect.

Your family sounds like mine, the candy just sits in a bowl and never gets eaten. I am sure I will be throwing it away by Valentines.

Nana Sharples News said...

Thanks for spending the day with me. I had a great time. I love the look so cue in your hat.
I had a great halloween.

Jasmin said...

THANKS Heather! I am sorry I missed your phone calls. I tried to call you today but I got a weird voice mail. That wasn't you or was it? LOL
I am been trying to gather as much info as I can for Scentsy for the up coming events in our town. Do you know if there are any meetings here in I.F? I have a party on the 15th and I am freaking out because I really would like to see how it is done. I think I did well at my Launch but at the same time I know I could use some improvements...
I will call you or you can call me so we can discuss more things.
I love your cute pictures.
I am glad you are close to your mom at this time. It makes me feel better that she has you so close.
Love ya all